Niggebrugge, U.U.NiggebruggeAlbrecht, P.P.AlbrechtDoldissen, W.W.DoldissenNolting, H.-P.H.-P.NoltingSchmid, H.H.Schmid2022-03-082022-03-081987 authors report on the design, fabrication and performance of totally reflecting waveguide mirrors for a 90 degrees directional change of monomode rib waveguides in the InGaAsP/InP material system. The precise lateral position and angular orientation of the mirror relative to the waveguides is ensured to a high degree by employing a self-aligning method. Waveguide mirrors etched by RIE in a CH4/H2 plasma show an average loss of only 1.5 dB each for 4 and 8 devices in series.engallium arsenidegallium compoundsiii-v semiconductorsindium compoundsintegrated opticsmirrorsoptical lossesoptical waveguidesmethane-h2 plasmasemiconductordesignfabricationperformancetotally reflecting waveguide mirrors90 degrees directional changemonomode rib waveguides1.5 dblinbo3litao3linbo3621Self-aligned low-loss totally reflecting waveguide mirrors in InGaAsP/InPconference paper