Kantamaneni, RaviRaviKantamaneniKuzov, TeodorTeodorKuzovVerstraeten, YannYannVerstraetenLehmann, SaschaSaschaLehmannEckstein, JohannesJohannesEckstein2022-05-062022-05-062021https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/41678310.2763/284129Article 6 of the ETS Directive states that aid for indirect ETS costs may be granted based on exante benchmarks of the indirect emissions of CO2 per unit of production. The benchmark for efficient electricity use (expressed in MWh/t) reflects the fact that companies should only be compensated for electricity consumption based on the most energy efficient installation for a given product category in the EU. Therefore, the electricity consumption efficiency benchmark is the product-specific electricity consumption per tonne of output production achieved by the most electricity-efficient methods of production for the product.en303600Support study for the preparation of energy efficiency benchmarks in the context of the Revised ETS State Aid Guidelinesreport