Under CopyrightOltra, ChristianChristianOltraPreuß, SabineSabinePreußGermán, SilviaSilviaGermánWesche, Julius P.Julius P.WescheDütschke, ElisabethElisabethDütschkePrades, AnaAnaPradeset al.2022-03-0812.12.20202020https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/30065410.24406/publica-fhg-300654This deliverable mapped stakeholders' views on CCUS technologies in the eight European "promising regions" of the Strategy CCUS project. This has involved identifying relevant actors for a societal discussion around CCUS and conducting interviews with selected representatives in the study regions as well as on the national and EU-level. This forms part of the STRATEGY CCUS project's approach to understanding stakeholder and public attitudes towards CCUS applications.en303600Stakeholders' views on CCUS developments in the studied regions. D3.2_STRATEGY CCU. Draft versionreport