Haustein, T.T.HausteinForck, A.A.ForckGabler, H.H.GablerSchiffermueller, S.S.Schiffermueller2022-03-102022-03-102005 this paper we investigate the achievable practical throughput with channel aware bit-loading in experiments on a real-time MIMO test-bed. We compare three prominent MIMO transmission schemes, two of them are using only receive side detection namely linear MMSE or MMSE with successive interference cancellation while the third scheme is SVD-MIMO transmission or eigenspace-signalling, where the transmitter and the receiver both perform a joint signal processing. We show in measurements that a more complex scheme like V-BLAST can increase the link reliability significantly by either increasing the throughput al a fixed bit error rate or improving the bit error rate at a fixed rate. Furthermore we show that eigenspace-signalling outperforms LMMSE and V-BLAST in terms of achievable throughput especially in the low SNR region but requires accurate channel state information and signal processing at each side of the link.enadaptive signal detectioneigenvalues and eigenfunctionserror statisticsinterference suppressionleast mean squares methodmimo systemradio linktelecommunication channels621From theory to practice: MIMO real-time experiments of adaptive bit-loading with linear and non-linear transmission and detection schemesconference paper