Under CopyrightKraetzschmar, Gerhard K.Plöger, Paul G.Höller, DanielDanielHöller2022-03-077.4.20172013https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/28144610.24406/publica-fhg-281446This work extends the affordance-inspired robot control architecture introduced in the MACS project [35] and especially its approach to integrate symbolic planning systems given in [24] by providing methods to automated abstraction of affordances to high-level operators. It discusses how symbolic planning instances can be generated automatically based on these operators and introduces an instantiation method to execute the resulting plans. Preconditions and effects of agent behaviour are learned and represented in Gärdenfors conceptual spaces framework. Its notion of similarity is used to group behaviours to abstract operators based on the affordance-inspired, function-centred view on the environment. Ways on how the capabilities of conceptual spaces to map subsymbolic to symbolic representations to generate PDDL planning domains including affordance-based operators are discussed. During plan execution, affordance-based operators are instantiated by agent behaviour based on the situation directly before its execution. The current situation is compared to past ones and the behaviour that has been most successful in the past is applied. Execution failures can be repaired by action substitution. The concept of using contexts to dynamically change dimension salience as introduced by Gärdenfors is realized by using techniques from the field of feature selection. The approach is evaluated using a 3D simulation environment and implementations of several object manipulation behaviours.en005006629Affordance-based action abstraction in robot planningmaster thesis