Under CopyrightKöble, TheoTheoKöbleRosenstock, WolfgangWolfgangRosenstock2022-03-0423.6.20102009https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/21890110.24406/publica-fhg-218901The Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis (INT) is conducting research into how neutron imaging methods can be put to mobile and in-situ use, for which pupose a small, mobile neutron generator is employed. Mobile neutron radiography can serve to complement X-ray imaging for identifying unknown objects that might be "dirty bombs" or "improvised nuclear devices".enneutron radiographynondestructive methodin situ measurementnuclear measurement techniqueneutronneutron generatordirty bombimprovised nuclear device620See it with neutronsbook article