Steadman, R.R.SteadmanVogtmeier, G.G.VogtmeierKemna, A.A.KemnaIbnou Quossai, S.S.Ibnou QuossaiHosticka, B.J.B.J.Hosticka2022-03-032022-03-032006 this paper, we show a high dynamic range current-mode detector for computed tomography application. A regulated current mirror structure has been implemented at pixel level that provides with 17 bits dynamic range and a noise floor below 3 pArms. Nonlinearity is kept below 2% and signal bandwidth is higher than 10 kHz. A test structure with 4x4 pixel array is presented in this paper. Both photodiode and current mode amplifier have been integrated into the same CMOS standard process.enintegrated circuitimage sensorx-rayphotodiodecomputed tomographymonolithic integrated circuitCMOSPhotodiodeBildsensorintegrierte Schaltung621A high dynamic range current-mode amplifier for computed tomographyjournal article