Braun, AndreasAndreasBraunWichert, ReinerReinerWichertHamisu, P.P.Hamisu2022-03-082022-03-082011 sensor arrangement (100) has electrodes (101a-101l,102a-102l) that are designed such that a signal is produced or changed during approximation of a person to the electrode. The signal strength is in dependence on spacing of skin surface of the person to the electrode. A signal processing device (103) is provided for comparing signal strength with a predetermined threshold level and to determine the state of the person from the signals of electrodes or sequence of signals of adjacent electrodes, if the signal strength lies above threshold level. An independent claim is included for method for determining state of person.de006Sensoranordnung zur Bestimmung des Zustands einer Person auf einem UntergrundSensor arrangement for determining state of person e.g. standing on substrate of house, has signal processing device that compares signal strength of electrodes with predetermined threshold level to determine state of personpatent102011083438