CC BY 4.0Jörling, KorinnaKorinnaJörlingKlessmann, CorinnaCorinnaKlessmannSchröder, JonasJonasSchröderLehmann, SaschaSaschaLehmannWachsmuth, JakobJakobWachsmuth2023-02-282023-02-282022978-92-76-55283-3 report analyses the provisions in the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) obliging the European Commission to develop a framework to cover additional electricity demand in the EU transport sector with additional renewable energy (RES-E) capacities (Article 27.3 (Art 27.3), subparagraph 3 of RED II). Even though future electricity demand in the EU transport sector is expected to grow significantly and related emissions may increase, the overall risk of electric mobility causing additional emissions in the power sector can be considered small. This is due to the relatively higher efficiency of electric vehicles (EVs) compared to fossil-based vehicles and the fact that EVs are on EU average already less CO2-intense than fossil-fueled vehicles. Hence, we find that there is no urgent need for additionality of renewable energy to cover electricity demand from the transport sector, especially compared with the case of renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs). We therefore recommend the design of a voluntary framework on additionality that lets Member States opt to monitor and report additional electricity demand. The framework does not include obligations towards private individuals or economic operators. The report provides detailed guidance on determining the baseline, actual consumption, and projected consumption of electricity to establish such a voluntary framework.enAir transportCase studyEnergy consumptionEnvironmental protectionMaritime transportNatural gasRail transportReductions of gas emissionsRenewable energyRoad transportSubstitute fuelTransport infrastructureTechnical assistance to assess the potential of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) as well as recycled carbon fuels (RCFs), to establish a methodology to determine the share of renewable energy from RFNBOs as well as to develop a framework on additionality in the transport sectorreport