Fischer, G.G.FischerGrubisic, V.V.Grubisic2022-03-092022-03-091997 roller rigs, on which rolling stock wheels run on mating wheels, are designed primarily for testing running characteristics: they are of only very limited usefulness for testing operating strength on account of the high unit pressure and rapid break-up of the running surface. The Fraunhofer Institute operating strength centre (LBF) has developed a testbed for wheelsets that permits testing of straight-line running at speeds up to 350 km/h and of various stress factors that influence strenght.deBetriebsbeanspruchungBetriebslastensimulationdeformationfatigue life proofFestigkeitLastfallLebensdauernachweisLeichtbaukonstruktionlight weight structureload casematerial selectionoperational load simulationoperational loadingRadsatzrail vehicleSchienenfahrzeugstrengthtestVerformungVersuchWerkstoffauswahlwheel set620Betriebsbeanspruchung und Festigkeitsnachweis von SchienenfahrzeugrädernOperating stress and strength testing of rolling stock wheelsconference paper