Buehrer, S.S.BuehrerSchmidt, Evanthia K.Evanthia K.SchmidtReidl, SybilleSybilleReidlPalmen, RachelRachelPalmenGroó, DoraDoraGroó2022-03-142022-03-142019https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/405968Since the topic of "women in research and innovation" has been on the agenda for decades and numerous measures have been implemented at both national and international level to improve the equality of women in the research and innovation systems, it is still unclear under which conditions which measures are most effective. Even less research has been carried out into the effects of better representation of women in terms of (responsible) research and innovation results. Within this paper, an evaluation approach shall be presented, which starts exactly here and uses case studies to show how the concrete implementation of the evaluation model in practice takes place. Furthermore, the results of on the case studies are presented that show how national gender equality measures addressing Higher Education Institutions as well as Research Performing Organisations do not only achieve a better representation of women within these organisations but do also contribute to scientific excellence.encase-studiesevaluation approachevaluation frameworkevaluation modelinggender equalityhigher education institutionsinnovation system303600Evaluation framework for promoting gender equality in research and innovation: How to define suitable indicators to evaluate gender equality effects in R&I systems?conference paper