Reinhard, R.R.ReinhardKleer, M.M.KleerDreßler, K.K.Dreßler2022-03-142022-03-142018 simulators offer advantages in the study of braking reaction times (BRT). However, individuals react markedly different to simulators, be it in their vulnerability to Simulator Sickness (SS) or in their propensity to place themselves in the virtual environment (Spatial Presence; SP). This study investigated possible relationships between BRT and both SS and SP, obtained by using repeated online measures during four consecutive drives in a moving base driving simulator. Through mixed models analyses, it was established that SS was directly associated with BRT and that this effect was more pronounced during later drives, as well as during later BRT events within the same drive. No effect of SP on BRT could be shown.en003006519Effects of individual reactions to driving simulators on emergency braking reaction timesconference paper