CC BY 4.0Schmitz, AnnaAnnaSchmitzAkila, MaramMaramAkilaHecker, DirkDirkHeckerPoretschkin, MaximilianMaximilianPoretschkinWrobel, StefanStefanWrobel2022-09-052022-09-052022-09-03 intelligence is increasingly penetrating industrial applications as well as areas that affect our daily lives. As a consequence, there is a need for criteria to validate whether the quality of AI applications is sufficient for their intended use. Both in the academic community and societal debate, an agreement has emerged under the term “trustworthiness” as the set of essential quality requirements that should be placed on an AI application. At the same time, the question of how these quality requirements can be operationalized is to a large extent still open. In this paper, we consider trustworthy AI from two perspectives: the product and organizational perspective. For the former, we present an AI-specific risk analysis and outline how verifiable arguments for the trustworthiness of an AI application can be developed. For the second perspective, we explore how an AI management system can be employed to assure the trustworthiness of an organization with respect to its handling of AI. Finally, we argue that in order to achieve AI trustworthiness, coordinated measures from both product and organizational perspectives are required.entrustworthy AIAI quality assuranceAI management systemsAI testing and validationVertrauenswürdige KIKI QualitätssicherungKI Management SystemeKI Testen und ValidierungThe why and how of trustworthy AIVertrauenswürdige KI - Warum und Wie? Ein Ansatz zur systematischen Qualitätssicherung beim Einsatz von ML Komponentenjournal article