Berger-Preiß, E.E.Berger-PreißGerling, S.S.GerlingKock, H.H.KockAppel, K.E.K.E.Appel2022-03-032022-03-032006 control operations need to be carried out in aircrafts to prevent insect-transmitted diseases in humans and to control the spreading of insect vectors. Measurement were done in the passenger cabin during application on biocide-containing aerosolsprays using different methods for aircraft disinsection (in-flight-spraying method and pre-embarkation method). Concentrations in the air were 21 µg/m3 for pyrethrins (285 µg/m3 piperonyl butoxide) and 133 to 203 µg/m3 for d-phenothrin (results of air measurements during spraying and 40 min afterwards).Within 20 to 40 min after spraying d-phenothrin concentration of about 1µg/m3 were detectable (pre-embarkation method). Concentrations (median values) found on seats, head rests, and floor varied between 24 and 39 ng/cm2 (pyrethrins), 144 and 233 ng/cm2 (piperonal butoxide), and 96 and 1159 ng/cm2 (d-phenothrin).deaircraft disinsectionbiocide containing spraymeasurement of air and surface concentrationinsect pest - controlbiocides615610620628Analytische Untersuchungen in der Flugzeugkabine während der Anwendung von Bioziden in Rahmen von DesinfektionsmaßnahmenInvestigations in the passenger cabin during application of biocides for disinsectionjournal article