Santos, PedroPedroSantosGierlinger, ThomasThomasGierlingerMachui, OliverOliverMachuiStork, AndréAndréStork2022-03-102022-03-102008 this paper we present an innovative daylight blocking optical stereo see-through HMD. Its outstanding capability is to pixelwise block incident daylight before super-imposing virtual content on the real scene. By doing so the device allows to seamlessly mix real and virtual content without the well-known effects of other optical see-through displays where real content will always shine through virtual content. To our knowledge related work on daylight blocking displays is very limited and we present the first commercial HMD available.enaugmented reality (AR)virtual reality (VR)mixed realityinteractionmobilityhead mounted display006The daylight blocking optical stereo see-through HMDconference paper