Under CopyrightYesilyurt, OzanOzanYesilyurtDraghici, Viorel PetrutViorel PetrutDraghiciBauer, DennisDennisBauerKörting, LauraLauraKörtingBildstein, AndreasAndreasBildsteinBauernhansl, ThomasThomasBauernhansl2022-03-0812.11.20192019https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29992310.24406/publica-fhg-299923The developments of digitalisation, also referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, lead to a fundamental change in industrial production across all sectors. Industrial production is currently often organised using lean production methods. These methods are changing, and digital tools for production will increasingly be used in the future. The digital transformation of the production causes challenges in the manufacturing industry. Firstly, some companies have none or few competencies in this field and do not know the advantages for the company itself as well as for the employees caused by the digital transformation of production. Secondly, the role of employees in production is changing and they are often reluctant to adapt to these continuous changes. Simulation games are dynamic models for the game-based simulation of a system with the aim of better understanding, evaluating and designing systems. The artificial environment of a simulation game imitates the functions of a real environment and situation in which the players can gain experience and make decisions without pressure or real consequences. Therefore, simulation games are seen as an adequate approach to qualify employees in manufacturing industry. The simulation game developed by Fraunhofer IPA uses active learning methods to achieve higher learning outcomes than the comparatively passive conventional method of frontal teaching. Two production methods are implemented and combined in two different rounds of the simulation game. In the end, the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of production are discussed with the participants. The main goal of the simulation game is to understand the basic principles and backgrounds of lean production and digitalised production in general. The result of this work is the elaboration and implementation of a simulation game which meets the requirements and learning outcomes described above. In the context of the simulation game, three fields of action and directions of digitalisation in production are emphasized, namely efficiency, transparency and the generation of data.endigitale ProduktionDigitalisierungIndustrie 4.0lean productionSchulungGame-Based Learning to Support the Development from Lean Production to Digitalised Productionreport