Rus, SilviaSilviaRusBraun, AndreasAndreasBraunKuijper, ArjanArjanKuijper2022-03-132022-03-132017 areas like health-care and smart environments have greatly benefited from embedding sensors into every-day-objects, enabling for example sleep apnea detection. We propose to further integrate parts of sensors into the very own materials of the objects. Thus, in this work we explore integrating smart garments into furniture using a couch as our use-case. Equipped with textile capacitive sensing electrodes, we show that our prototype outperforms existing systems achieving an F-measure of 94.1%. Furthermore, we discuss implications and limitation of the integration process.encapacitive sensorssmart homeposture recognitionsmart textilesLead Topic: Individual HealthResearch Line: Human computer interaction (HCI)E-textile couch: Towards smart garments integrated furnitureconference paper