Rusch, OlegOlegRuschMoult, JonathanJonathanMoultErlbacher, TobiasTobiasErlbacher2022-03-142022-03-142019 work presents a design study of customized p+ arrays having influence on the electrical properties of manufactured 4H-SiC Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) diodes with designated electrical characteristics of 5 A forward and 650 V blocking capabilities. The effect of the Schottky area consuming p+ grid on the forward voltage drop, the leakage current and therefore the breakdown voltage was investigated. A recessed p+ implantation, realized through trench etching before implanting the bottom of the trenches, results in a more effective shielding of the electrical field at the Schottky interface and therefore reduces the leakage current. Customizing the p+ grid array in combination with the trench structure, various JBS diode variants with active areas of 1.69 mm2 were fabricated where as forward voltage drops of 1.58 V @ 5 A with blocking capabilities up to 1 kV were achieved.en4H-SiCJunction Barrier Schottky (JBS) DiodetrenchSchottky Barrier LoweringDesign Studyohmic contact670620530Influence of Trench Design on the Electrical Properties of 650V 4H-SiC JBS Diodesconference paper