Mortet, V.V.MortetBedel-Pereira, E.E.Bedel-PereiraBobo, J.F.J.F.BoboCristiano, F.F.CristianoStrenger, C.C.StrengerUhnevionak, V.V.UhnevionakBurenkov, A.A.BurenkovBauer, A.J.A.J.Bauer2022-03-122022-03-122013 of a shallow nitrogen implantation in the channel region of n-channel 4H-SiC Hall bar MOSFETs on their electrical properties has been characterized by Hall effect. A significant improvement of Hall mobility in normally-off devices is observed with increasing nitrogen implantation dose up to 1013 cm-2 with a peak Hall mobility of 42.4 cm2.V-1.s-1. Coulomb scattering as dominant scattering mechanism up to room temperature is demonstrated using temperature dependent MOS-Hall effect characterization.en670Hall effect characterization of 4H-SiC MOSFETs: Influence of nitrogen channel implantationconference paper