Kotte, LilianaLilianaKotteRoch, JuliusJuliusRochMäder, GerritGerritMäderHaag, JanaJanaHaagMertens, TobiasTobiasMertens2022-03-122022-03-122015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/389347The LARGE plasma source based on an extended DC arc offers a scalable working width up to 350 mm and operates with a range of plasma gases like argon, plus molecular gases like H2, O2, CO2, N2 or pure nitrogen and compressed air. Selected plasma gas mixtures were characterized (temperature and OES). Application such as SiO2 adhesion layers on titan or plasma pre-treatment of CFRP will be presented.enatmospheric plasma sourcesiliciumdioxidCFKCFRP621671Large area atmospheric pressure plasma processesconference paper