Machacek, ErikaErikaMachacekFalck, EberhardEberhardFalckDelfini, ClaudiaClaudiaDelfiniErdmann, LorenzLorenzErdmannPetavratzi, EviEviPetavratziVoet, Ester van derEster van derVoetCassard, DanielDanielCassard2022-03-052022-03-052017 develops the EU-RMICP with an innovative visualization interface that guides the user to a 'recipe' for how to find answers to particular mineral raw material related questions. This is different from a database providing pre-formulated answers to questions: MICA offers an expert-designed pathway towards answers by means of an exhaustive catalogue of data sources and peer-reviewed information with relevance to the user question. Thus, MICA enables the user to explore data, acquire information and build up knowledge, rather than being given narrow, pre-formulated answers. The MICA Platform endeavours to cater for profes­sional as well as general public stakeholders.en303600Clearing the sky from the clouds - the Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA) projectjournal article