Goetzberger, AdolfAdolfGoetzberger2022-03-082022-03-082002https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/305292The apparatus includes a light concentrating structure with a transparent medium which deflects direct and diffuse light. The light emanates from a defined region of the sky, e.g. southern direction, by total reflection to a zone considerably smaller than the light entry zone. The zone is wholly or partially mirrored and the light which is not totally reflected is used to illuminate a room behind the glazed aperture. ADVANTAGE - Shades from direct sunlight whilst maintaining transparency for diffuse daylight.de608621697Stationaere Einrichtung zur Abschattung des direkten Sonnenlichts bei VerglasungenDirection selective reflection apparatus for shading direct sunlight for window - has light structure with transparent medium to deflect direct and diffuse light from defined sky region by total reflection to zone smaller than light entry zone.patent1996-19613222