Schwab, SimonSimonSchwab2023-06-142023-06-142023-05-11 presentation is divided into five parts: (1) Gives an overview on the DRIFT process route, an innovative process route for load path reinforced injection molded parts. (2) Compares thermoplastic pultrusion routes in terms of benefits and drawbacks of melt pultrusion, commingled yarn pultrusion and reactive pultrusion (3) Analyses melt pultruded samples in regards to fiber volume content (FVC), tensile properties, and bending properties. (4) Summarizes the overall results of the DRIFT project. (5) Takes a look at future steps and what's next concerning the DRIFT process.enyam pultrusionmelt pultrusionDRIFTinjection-moldingthermoplasticsfiber-reinforced componentsreactive pultrusionDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::620 IngenieurwissenschaftenThermoplastic pultrusion paves the way to mass applicationpresentation