Michel, B.B.MichelWinkler, T.T.Winkler2022-03-092022-03-092002https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/341158The paper presents some recent results obtained in the field of electronic packaging for MEMS. A survey is given concerning advanced interconnection technologies (chip size packaging, BGA, wafer level packaging etc.) taking into account new developments in the field of materials research for packaging in various applications, e.g. in automotive and telecommunication systems. Special attention will be given to overcome the reliability gap which can be found in the field of microsystem reliability (e.g. high temperature electronics, lead-free solder applications in MEMS etc. New fields of applications are dealt with e.g. polytronics, micromechatronics.enelectronic packagingMEMSsurveyadvanced interconnection technologychip size packagingBGAwafer level packagingmaterial researchautomotive systemtelecommunication systemreliability gapmicrosystem reliabilityhigh temperature electronicPb-free solder applicationpolytronicmicromechatronic621Micro Materials Center Berlin: Reliability research for MEMSconference paper