Under CopyrightSchmaltz, ThomasThomasSchmaltzWicke, TimTimWickeWeymann, LukasLukasWeymannVoß, PhilippPhilippVoßNeef, ChristophChristophNeefThielmann, AxelAxelThielmann2022-05-202022-05-202022https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/417853https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-6810.24406/publica-68This roadmap on solid-state batteries (SSB) was developed as part of the accompanying project BEMA II funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the initiative „Battery 2020“. Fraunhofer ISI is supporting the German battery research with a roadmapping and monitoring process, strategic information processing and status seminars for the exchange of information on scientific progress and technology transfer. As part of the accompanying project, updates of the roadmap “High-energy batteries 2030+ and prospects for future battery technologies” (2017) are produced. In addition to the solid-state battery roadmap, a roadmap on next-generation batteries and an update on high-energy LIB will be developed in 2022 and 2023. The roadmaps also complement and support the competence clusters funded under the umbrella concept Battery Research Factory (Dachkonzept Forschungsfabrik Batterie), such as the BMBF competence cluster for solid-state batteries.enSolid-State Battery Roadmap 2035+report