Heuwinkel, K.K.HeuwinkelDeiters, W.W.Deiters2022-03-092022-03-092003https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/342292Information and communication technologies have influenced nearly every area of social life and offer many possibilities, even for the healthcare system. Healthcare organizations intend to change their internal communication and information structures and processes as well as their relations to other parties such as doctors and patients by using innovative information technologies. The aim is to s moothly embed the technology in everyday practice and processes. In this paper, we introduce the information logistics concept and demonstrate the possibilities and advantages of a personalized and demand driven information supply. A scenario describes a portal and illustrates how healthcare centers can use those inte lligent information technology concepts in order to improve the relation to patients by providing personalized information. We will further discuss trust as an example for socio-technical aspects that have to be considered in order to allow a successful patient relationship management (PRM).enInformationslogistikGesundheitswesenVertrauenMedizin004Information logistics, e-healthcare and trustInformationslogistik, E-Healthcare und Vertrauenconference paper