Grahmann, J.J.GrahmannMerten, A.A.MertenHerrmann, A.A.HerrmannOstendorf, RalfRalfOstendorfBleh, D.D.BlehDrabe, C.C.DrabeKamenz, J.J.Kamenz2022-03-122022-03-122015 results of a large scanning grating with a diameter of 5mm and 1 kHz scan frequency are discussed. An optical diffraction grating is fabricated on a mirror single crystal silicon plate to scan the first diffraction order in the MIR-wavelength range over a quantum cascade laser facet. Special emphasis is on the development of the grating technology module to integrate it with high accuracy and reproducibility into the IPMS AME75 process flow. The principle EC-QCL setup with the scanning grating is described and first measurement results concerning laser output power and tuning range are presented.enexternal cavityscanning gratingQCLtunable laser sourcemicro mirror667Large MOEMS diffraction grating results providing an EC-QCL wavelength scan of 20%conference paper