Under CopyrightErkens, FrederikFrederikErkens2023-10-242023-10-242023-04-27https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/452051https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-204010.24406/publica-2040Many of the challenges in CAR-T cell manufacturing arise from labor intensive manual processes which struggle to account for the biological variability of the patient material. Limited automation options are available and currently the low digitization in the manufacturing process leads to little data available on the process and the final product. To improve data availability digitalization of the manufacturing process is a necessity. Digitization also is a typical enabler for automation, so the AIDPATH project demonstrates a new automation option for CAR-T cell manufacturing, focusing on integrated data acquisition (QC) and processing (artificial intelligence). Within AIDPATH several AI use cases are demonstrated to aid and improve the end-to-end manufacturing process.enSmart manufacturing hospitalCAR-TDigitalizationLaboratory automationAIDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::620 IngenieurwissenschaftenDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::610 Medizin und GesundheitHow can digitalization and automation enable large-scale application of CAR-T cell therapies?presentation