CC BY 4.0Yorulmaz, MerveMerveYorulmazBührer-Topçu, SusanneSusanneBührer-Topçu2023-03-072023-03-072023 has provided ample evidence for the performance-enhancing effect of diversity on a wide range of organizational outcomes (Terjesen et al. 2009). The positive effects are manifold and range from better decision-making and corporate governance through better financial performance (Post and Byron 2015), more creativity and innovativeness to more responsible and ethical business conduct (Pechersky et al. 2016). In the context of Research & Innovation (R & I), the cooperation of a diversity of stakeholders has been shown to promote more responsible or ethical business practices (Wood 2002).enDiversityResponsible Research and InnovationSocial labsSocial challengesStakeholder collaborationExploring the ambivalent nature of diversity in social experimental settings: First insights from social labs established to promote responsible research and innovationbook article