Easwaran, P.P.EaswaranRedenbach, C.C.RedenbachWirjadi, O.O.WirjadiPrill, T.T.PrillSchladitz, K.K.SchladitzLehmann, M.J.M.J.Lehmann2022-03-122022-03-122015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/389176Macroscopic properties of fibrous filter media are highly influenced by the geometry of filter media used. Stochastic geometry models for fiber systems in the literatures possess some limits when modeling a fiber system with fiber bundles. In this work, a stochastic model for fiber systems with interacting fibers is developed. The starting configuration of this model is generated using random walks. During this random walk, for the first fiber in a bundle, a starting coordinate is drawn from a spatial Poisson point process and its main fiber orientation is randomly chosen from a probability density function on the sphere. All further fibers from that bundle start at coordinates generated by a small displacement of the initial fiber's starting point and use the same main fiber orientation. Additionally, shortest distance between current coordinate and coordinates of previous fibers are also considered during a random walk. Finally, force biased fiber packing is used to make these fibers non overlapping. A stochastic geometry model close to real data is generated by our new approach. Each fiber radius for this model is chosen from a fiber diameter distribution which is empirically measured from a real 2D SEM image of a real filter medium. Area density of our simulated SEM image is relatively close to the real data. In conclusion, our new stochastic model can be used to model a densely packed non-overlapping fiber system with bending fibers and fiber bundles, suitable for subsequent numerical simulation of filtration behavior.en003Modeling of interacting fibers based on 2D images for fibrous filter media simulationconference paper