Kreutz, E.W.E.W.KreutzAlunovic, M.M.AlunovicVoss, A.A.VossPfleging, W.W.PflegingSung, H.H.SungWesner, D.A.D.A.Wesner2022-03-032022-03-031994 films of cerammic materials (Al2O3, ZrO2, BN) as well as multi-component films and controllably inhomogeneous films (ZrO2, Ti) were investigated. The deposition was performed using different laser parameters (wavelength, fluence, mode of operation) and processing variables (processing gas pressure and composition, r.f. bias, target-substrate distance). The investigations included microbalance measurements of the weight loss of the target as a measure of mass removal as well as high-speed photography and emission spectroscopy as a measure of geometry, dynamics and excitation of the vapour-plasma state generated. The morphology, structure and composition of the film were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy and scanning Auger microscopy showing a broad variety of different film properties useful for applications. Al2O3 films deposited with pulsed CO2 and excimer laser radiation were dense and glassy. ZrO2 films deposited with CO2 laser radiation had a columnar structure. BN films deposited with excimer laser radiation consisted of hexagonal BN crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix. Thin films produced with excimer laser radiation had a nearly flat and defect-free surface allowing the construction of multilayer systems and graded or homogeneous doped layers.enceramic materialdefect-free surfaceemission spectroscopylaser radiationphotoelectron spectroscopyscanningtarget material621543Properties and applications of single-component -Al2O3, ZrO2, BN- and multi-component films -ZrO2, Ti- fabricated by pulsed laser depositionjournal article