Kretschmer, U.U.KretschmerCoors, V.V.CoorsSpierling, U.U.SpierlingGrasbon, D.D.GrasbonSchneider, K.K.SchneiderRojas, I.I.RojasMalaka, R.R.Malaka2022-03-092022-03-092001 paper describes a research and development project for a novel technology, making the conveyance of cultural heritage during a historic sightseeing tour a unique experience. The cornerstones of this system are mobile augmented reality, including a hybrid tracking approach, intelligent queries to pose complex questions about geographical and historical knowledge, as well as a story engine to interactively run a digital story. This system involves the user in a thrilling story while exploring the history and the attractions of the city.eninteractive digital storytellingmobile augmented realitycultural heritagewearable GIS006Meeting the spirit of historyconference paper