Under CopyrightSerbedzija, NikolaNikolaSerbedzija2022-03-0401.02.20162015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/23947010.1007/978-3-319-16310-9_14This chapter focuses on pragmatic aspects of the ASCENS project illustrating the role and significance of the three major application domains (swarm robotics, cloud computing and e-mobility) that motivate and pragmatically justify the approach to construct autonomous systems. A special insight is given into similarities and differences of the ASCENS case studies and their common abstract characteristics that led to a general-purpose methodology for expressing, evaluating and deploying knowledge-based, self-aware and adaptive behaviors. From this perspective selected ASCENS tools and methods to support the system development lifecycle are further discussed and illustrated on concrete examples. Finally future plans are given pointing out to the use and further evolvement of the ASCENS technology.en004The ASCENS case studies: Results and common aspectsbook article