Under CopyrightOrlik, J.J.OrlikOstrovska, A.A.Ostrovska2022-03-0702.09.20062006https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29296310.24406/publica-fhg-2929631 Introduction S.2 2 Models of viscoelasticity S.3-4 3 Definition of the problem S.5 4 Weak problem formulation and main results S.6-8 5 Preliminaries w.r.t. approximation and interpolation S.9-11 6 Spatial approximation via interpolation and subsequent FE/collocation methods S.12-15 7 A priori error estimates S.16-18 8 Numerical example S.19-21 - 8.1 Convergence in time S.22 - 8.2 Spatial and full convergence S.22 References S.22en519003006Space-time finite element approximation and numerical solution of hereditary linear viscoelasticity problemsreport