Deurer, JanaJanaDeurerSteinbach, JanJanSteinbachBei der Wieden, MalteMalteBei der WiedenBraungardt, SibylleSibylleBraungardtBürger, VeitVeitBürgerSenkpiel, CharlotteCharlotteSenkpielBerneiser, JessicaJessicaBerneiserThelen, ConnorConnorThelenNolte, HannahHannahNolteKost, ChristophChristophKost2024-10-282024-10-282024Note-ID: 0000B2AA Climate Protection Act defines the path to make Germany climate-neutral by 2045 using sector-specific targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions). With the amendment of the KSG in 2021, the sector targets for 2030 have been tightened. The new target GHG emissions in the building sector have been reduced to 66 million tons of CO2eq by 2030. Greenhouse gas neutrality is to be achieved for all sectors by 2045. However, the annual target in the building sector was missed in 2023, as shown in the projection report for Germany and confirmed by the Expert Council for Climate Issues. Further efforts are needed to achieve both the sector target in 2030 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. This project aims to assess both qualitatively and quantitatively the policy instruments available to the building sector to achieve the target path of the Climate Protection Act 2021 from a microeconomic perspective.enMaßnahmenkonzepte für einen klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand bis 2045study