Veltl, G.G.VeltlDrescher, C.C.DrescherPetzoldt, F.F.PetzoldtBusse, M.M.Busse2022-03-102022-03-102008 are some applications of PM(powder metallurgy)-parts requiring good resistance against hot gas corrosion. Among these are parts for the exhaust gas systems of automobiles. To improve resistance against hot gas corrosion, aluminide coatings are a promising candidate material. Here investigations are presented for sintered aluminide coatings produced from powder filled pastes applied to PM-parts as well as to massive metal sheet material. Thermodynamic calculations of the aluminide formation are presented along with results of X-ray diffraction and metallographic investigations. The hot gas resistance is examined under air at different temperatures. The base materials under investigation are stainless steels 410L and 316L. Integration of sintered coatings derived from powder filled pastes into the ordinary powder metallurgical production route without additional production steps is discussed.enKorrosionsschutzschichtAluminidStahlsubstratnichtrostender StahlSinterstahlBlechPulvermetallurgiePasteAluminiumSchablonendruckHeißgaskorrosionReaktionsproduktMikrostrukturthermodynamisches ModellModellrechnungZustandsdiagrammRöntgenbeugungRasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM)energiedispersive Röntgenspektrometrie (EDXS)Anwendung im Fahrzeugbau620660671Aluminide protective coatings on steels by sintering of powder filled pastesFertigung von Aluminid-Schutzüberzügen auf Stählen durch Sinterung von pulvergefüllten Pastenconference paper