Baier, DanielDanielBaierRese, AlexandraAlexandraReseSchreiber, StefanieStefanieSchreiber2022-03-052022-03-052015, brick and mortar retailers compete with their counterparts by enriching the point of sale through technological innovations that make use of customer-owned mobile devices. So, for example, IKEA, the world's largest furniture retailer, has introduced an interactive mobile app that provides the customer with additional insights in a personalized and convenient way: by scanning quick response codes in the printed catalogue, 3D objects, pictures, text, or videos are provided on the customer's smartphone or tablet. They inform about a furniture's interior or its potential usage, give planning aids, or visualize the furniture in alternative surroundings. In this chapter, the perceived usefulness, ease of use, and attitude towards such new technology-based innovations are discussed. Customers' perceptions are measured by applying a modified technology acceptance model. Traditional customer surveys as well as online customer reviews are analyzed. The results are encouraging: the mobile app is seen as an enrichment of the shopping experience but can be improved. Both data collection formats lead to similar results.en004005006Analyzing online reviews to measure augmented reality acceptance at the point of sale. The case of IKEAAnalyzing online reviews to measure technology acceptance at the point of scale. The Case of IKEAbook article