Almeida, FernandoFernandoAlmeidaDias, PauloPauloDiasGonçalves, GilGilGonçalvesPeschl, MichaelMichaelPeschlHoffmeister, M.M.Hoffmeister2022-03-042022-03-042011 XPRESS project introduces a completely new scalable concept of a manufactronic networked factory, which is composed by a co-ordinated team of specialized autonomous objects (Manufactrons), each knowing how to do a certain process optimally. This knowledge based concept integrated the complete chain: production configuration (decrease of ramp-up time of at least 50%), multi-variant production line (varying types and volumes on a single line) and 100% quality monitoring. The manufactronic networked architecture allows continuous process improvement, and will be able to anticipate and to respond to rapidly changing consumer needs, producing high-quality products in adequate quantities while reducing costs. This concept is demonstrated in the automotive, aeronautics and electrical industry but can be transferred to nearly all production processes.enintelligent manufacturing systemNetzwerkproduktionNetworked Manufacturingflexibles FertigungssystemA proposition of a manufactronic network approach for intelligent and flexible manufacturing systemsjournal article