Wojciechowski, M.M.WojciechowskiXiong, J.J.Xiong2022-03-102022-03-102008https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/35824210.1007/978-3-540-69916-3_13Within Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) context awareness is an important feature of intelligent user assisting services. In this domain different requirements regarding context modeling can be identified that are not in the focus of current context models. One important aspect is the support of an end user interface for describing context dependent service behaviour. An inhabitant of a smart home needs to get and give feedback on context in a way that can be understood and handled without context modeling expertise. At the same time such simplified context description must be matched on the technical details of context sensing and context dependent service adaptivity. In this paper we introduce a layered context model for AAL which provides different abstraction levels. Therein we focus on model elements and concepts on the user interface layer.enambient assisted livingcontext awarenessHuman Computer Interface004A user interface level context model for ambient assisted livingconference paper