Bückers, C.C.BückersThränhardt, A.A.ThränhardtKoch, S.W.S.W.KochRattunde, MarcelMarcelRattundeSchulz, N.N.SchulzWagner, JoachimJoachimWagnerHader, J.J.HaderMoloney, J.V.J.V.Moloney2022-03-042022-03-042008https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/21541710.1063/1.2883952A detailed microscopic calculation and experimental measurements of the optical gain from a (GaIn)Sb structure are presented. For a given excitation density, the gain in the (GaIn)Sb material system considerably exceeds that of a comparable equivalent (GaIn)As/GaAs structure. The physical reasons for this high gain are analyzed and attributed mostly to band structure effects.enlaser gainoptical gainoptischer GewinnGaSbmicroscopic calculationMikroskopische Theoriediode laserDiodenlaser667621Microscopic calculation and measurement of the laser gain in a (GaIn)Sb quantum well structureSimulation und Messung des optischen Gewinnes in (GaIn)Sb Quantentopf Heterostrukturenjournal article