Pupyrev, Pavel D.Pavel D.PupyrevMihalic, SaskiaSaskiaMihalicNair, AkashAkashNairStranak, PatrikPatrikStranakMayer, ElenaElenaMayerHörich, FlorianFlorianHörichDadgar, ArminArminDadgarStrittmatter, AndreAndreStrittmatterAmbacher, OliverOliverAmbacherMayer, AndreasAndreasMayer2025-01-302025-01-302024https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/48312010.1063/5.0237166Elastic moduli of scandium nitride (ScN) films are determined using a laser-based experimental method working with surface acoustic waves (SAWs). ScN, a semiconductor material with promising potential for various applications, crystallizes in the cubic rock salt (rs) structure. We investigate two samples of high-crystallinity ScN(111) films with thicknesses ~200 and ~300 nm, grown on Si(111) substrates by pulsed DC-magnetron co-sputtering and a sample with a fiber-textured ScN film (⁠~800 nm) on Si(001). From the shape evolution of laser-generated acoustic pulses, SAW dispersion curves were obtained in a frequency range of 50-500 MHz. In order to take advantage of the anisotropy of the film and substrate materials, measurements were performed for 10-15 SAW wavevector directions, which could be defined with a precision of 0.2°. Using perturbation theory with respect to the ratio of film thickness and SAW wavelength, two combinations of the three independent elastic constants of the high-crystallinity rs ScN films could be extracted from the measurement data. The surface roughness of the ScN films is accounted for with a simple model. Complete sets of the three elastic moduli were inferred in two different ways: (i) SAW dispersion data for the third sample were included in the extraction procedure; and (ii) the bulk modulus is set equal to a theoretical literature value. The extracted values for the three elastic constants are at variance with published theoretical results for single-crystal ScN. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed.enElastic properties of rock salt ScN thin films investigated by laser ultrasoundjournal article