Buyel, J.F.J.F.Buyel2022-03-052022-03-052015 May 2012, the first plant-derived biopharmaceutical protein received full regulatory approval for therapeutic use in humans. Although plant-based expression systems have many advantages, they can suffer from low expression levels and, depending on the species, the presence of potentially toxic secondary metabolites. Transient expression mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be used to increase product yields but may also increase the concentration of secondary metabolites generated by plant defense responses. We have recently investigated the sequence of defense responses triggered by A. tumefaciens in tobacco plants and considered how these can be modulated by the transient expression of type III effectors from Pseudomonas syringae. Here we discuss the limitations of this approach, potential solutions and additional issues concerning transient expression in plants that should be investigated in greater detail.en570595Controlling the interplay between Agrobacterium tumefaciens and plants during the transient expression of proteinsjournal article