Under CopyrightKleebauer, MaximilianMaximilianKleebauerNiemi, AnniAnniNiemiPutkonen, NelliNelliPutkonenKiviluoma, JuhaJuhaKiviluomaBoodhraj, KirodhKirodhBoodhrajReenen , Tobias VanTobias VanReenenLindenmeyer, MalteMalteLindenmeyerDobschinski, JanJanDobschinskiBraun, MartinMartinBraun2024-10-232024-11-082024-10-232024https://doi.org/10.24406/h-477910https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/47791010.24406/h-47791010.5281/zenodo.13365309This report provides a comprehensive overview of the strategies and implementations used by the OASES consortium to ensure the transparency, accessibility, and effective dissemination of its results within the African-European renewable energy community. As part of the LEAP-RE initiative, the project focuses on the development of a sustainable AU-EU ecosystem using open-source software and data strategies, fostering long-term collaboration in energy systems modelling between African and European partners. The main objectives of this project include the dissemination of project results through various open-source platforms and the creation of a comprehensive model chain for renewable energy (RE) system detection, time series generation and energy system modelling. The measures taken to achieve it are described in detail in the following report.enLEAP-RE AU-EUOpen-SourceAU-EU CollaborationData DisseminationEnergy System ModellingEnergy ScenariosIRENA FlexToolRenewable Energy SourcesRenewable Energy PotentialTime Series GenerationRenewable Energy Sources DetectionZenodoGitHubDevelopment and Demonstration of a Sustainable Open Access AU-EU Ecosystem for Energy System Modelling: Open-Source and Data Strategy Reportreport