Richter, H.J.H.J.RichterSoltesz, U.U.SolteszSommer, E.E.Sommer2022-03-082022-03-081982 phenomena due to internal stresses in toughened glass plates are described. Compared with uniform stress fields a different crack propagation and branching behaviour is observed which can be explained formally by an effective crack length of the order of the plate tickness. The influence of internal stresses on the crack front curvature is shown and a method to measure the K-distribution along the crack front is proposed.enBruchgabelungeffektive RißlängeEigenspannungGlasinnere SpannungK-Verteilunglangsame RißausbreitungRißfrontkrümmungvorgespanntes Glas531620Influence of internal stresses on the development of cracks in glassesEinfluß der Eigenspannungen auf die Rißausbreitung in Gläsernconference paper