Under CopyrightPlötz, PatrickPatrickPlötzSpeth, DanielDanielSpethLink, SteffenSteffenLink2023-12-052023-12-052023https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/457595https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-225310.24406/publica-2253A significant fleet of battery electric trucks (BET) is expected to be on the roads in Europe within a few years to curtail CO2 emissions from commercial vehicle operation, with large share from heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) in long-haul operation. However, the limited range of the battery HDV will make megawatt-charging necessary at stop locations but little is known empirically about long-haul truck stop locations. Here, we analyze a unique data set of 550,000 stop locations from 230,000 trucks in long-haul operation covering 35 European countries. We find stop locations are concentrated on densely populated areas in central Europe and close to large industrial areas as well as major roads. A small share of today's truck stop locations as potential future charging locations and a network of 1,400 public charging locations across Europe would lead to only 2 - 5 km mean distance per country from all of today's stop locations.enelectric vehicleheavy-dutytruckcharginginfrastructureelectric vehicle supply equipmentLocations for Battery Electric Truck Charging based on Truck Stop Location Datapaper