CC BY 4.0Basov, SvetlanaSvetlanaBasovMilstein, AmitAmitMilsteinSulimani, ErezErezSulimaniPlatkov, MaxMaxPlatkovPeretz, EliEliPeretzRattunde, MarcelMarcelRattundeWagner, JoachimJoachimWagnerNetz, UriUriNetzKatzir, AbrahamAbrahamKatzirNisky, IlanaIlanaNisky2022-03-0511.1.20192018 and reliable incision closure is critical in any surgical intervention. Common solutions are sutures and clips or adhesives, but they all present difficulties. These difficulties are especially pronounced in classical and robot-assisted minimally-invasive interventions. Laser soldering methods present a promising alternative, but their reproducibility is limited. We present a system that combines a previously reported laser soldering system with a robotic system, and demonstrate its feasibility on the incision-closure of ex-vivo mice skins. In this demonstration, we measured tearing forces of ~2.5N, 73% of the tearing force of a mouse skin without an incision. This robot-assisted laser soldering technique has the potential to make laser tissue soldering more reproducible and revolutionize surgical tissue bonding.en667631Robot-assisted laser tissue soldering systemjournal article