CC BY 4.0Battaglia, GiuseppeGiuseppeBattagliaBerkemeyer, LeonLeonBerkemeyerCipollina, AndreaAndreaCipollinaCortina, José LuisJosé LuisCortinaLabastida, Marc Fernandez deMarc Fernandez deLabastidaRodriguez, Julio LopezJulio LopezRodriguezWinter, DanielDanielWinter2023-05-092023-05-092022Note-ID: 0000952A extensive experimental campaign on Li recovery from relatively dilute LiCl solutions (i.e., Li+ 4000 ppm) is presented to identify the best operating conditions for a Li2CO3 crystallization unit. Lithium is currently mainly produced via solar evaporation, purification, and precipitation from highly concentrated Li brines located in a few world areas. The process requires large surfaces and long times (18–24 months) to concentrate Li+ up to 20,000 ppm. The present work investigates two separation routes to extract Li+ from synthetic solutions, mimicking those obtained from low-content Li+ sources through selective Li+ separation and further concentration steps: (i) addition of Na2CO3 solution and (ii) addition of NaOH solution + CO2 insufflation. A Li recovery up to 80% and purities up to 99% at 80 °C and with high-ionic strength solutions was achieved employing NaOH solution + CO2 insufflation and an ethanol washing step.enAnionsIonsLithiumPrecipitationSaltsRecovery of Lithium Carbonate from Dilute Li-rich Brine via Homogenous and Heterogeneous Precipitationjournal article