Kirsch, RalfRalfKirschIliev, DimitarDimitarIlievIliev, OlegOlegIlievMikelic, AndroAndroMikelicDedering, MichaelMichaelDedering2022-03-132022-03-132013 software for filtration helps designers and manufacturers of filter elements with the optimization of their products and the acceleration of the developmental process. By utilizing adequate mathematical models and efficient numerical methods, such software tools are able to produce reliable predictions of fluid flow, pressure distribution and filtration efficiency. In the case of non-deformable porous media, problem-adapted simulation software has proven its worth in industrial applications for years. On the other hand, there are more and more practically relevant cases in which the assumption of a rigid filter medium leads to simulation results that differ a lot from experimental observation. The interaction between the fluid and the filtering medium can have a substantial impact on the performance of the filter element - in some cases even for rather small deformations. In view of these facts one can state that there is an increasing demand for the integration of poroelastic effects into the simulation of the performance of filter element designs. Computer simulation of this Fluid-Porous-Structure Interaction (FPSI) requires the numerical solution of a coupled problem. In particular, one has to identify a proper poroelasticity model for filtering media. As a starting point, the classical Biot model was considered, which is three-dimensional in space. For suitable geometries of the filtering medium, one can derive a two-dimensional model describing a so-called poroelastic plate which allows for faster solution of the elasticity problem. Numerical tests show a good agreement of the results obtained for the plate models with both the full 3D model and analytical solutions that are known for simple geometries. The method was also applied to real-world scenarios, where very promising results could be obtained.enfluid-structure interactionmodellingnumerical simulationporoelasticityModelling and simulation of fluid-porous structure interaction on the filter element scaleconference paper