Under CopyrightTrübswetter, AngelikaAngelikaTrübswetterGenz, KarenKarenGenzHochfeld, KatharinaKatharinaHochfeldSchraudner, MartinaMartinaSchraudner2022-03-0713.3.20152015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29724410.24406/publica-fhg-297244Fraunhofer Society is one of the leading applied research organizations in Europe. Seeking to explore what kinds of organizational cultures might be most effective in attracting and retaining highly skilled and internationally mobile engineers, it conducted an exploratory study in cooperation with ETH ZURICH and the UNITECH INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY. This study included semi-structured individual interviews with 19 UNITECH alumni and a standardized online survey of 172 registered members of the alumni association about their career development strategies, motivators, sources of frustration, experiences with different organizations, etc. Due to their outstanding qualifications, international experiences, and broad educational backgrounds, UNITECH alumni constitute a unique and scientifically relevant group.enUnternehmenskulturAlumniGenderVielfaltDiversity ManagementCorporate culture mattersstudy