Padilla, MarielisaMarielisaPadillaHawxwell, TomTomHawxwellWendt, WilliWilliWendt2022-03-132022-03-132016 is a city with more than half a million inhabitants and one of the most touristic capitals in Western Europe, constantly trying to find ways to deal with challenges in a smart and sustainable manner. How to turn Lisbon into a more inclusive, connected, and resilient city going into the future, is the question that researchers in the Fraunhofer project, Morgenstadt, are trying to solve. Lisbon has developed a city development strategy for the next decades, defining goals that aim to create more employment, attract more people and to become a more liveable city. This last goal does not only include the improvements in living standards of citizens, but addresses topics such as new mobility concepts, renewal of old buildings, increased energy efficiency, among others. All this can be fostered by using more participative approaches and an extensive exploration of the local resources to stimulate the economy and incentivize local innovation. The question that arises is how to get there? How to make Lisbon a more liveable and attractive city not only for tourists but especially for its citizens and workers? This paper is based on an interdisciplinary project in the form of a so-called ""City lab"" that began in September 2015 in the context of the ongoing long-term research project called ""Morgenstadt: City Insights"" initiated by the Fraunhofer Society. This paper therefore first provides a general introduction into the smart city concept (chapter 2) and an overview over the initial position of Lisbon in this regard (chapter 3). In a next step, the research methodology applied in the City Lab will be outlined, dividing the analysis process (chapter 4) and the project development process (chapter 5). In the following the results of the city lab Lisbon will be presented. While the first part of results concentrates on key outcomes such as the sensitivity analysis and exemplary sector specific results (chapter 6), the second part will provide an overview over the developed projects to foster a smart and sustainable development of Lisbon (chapter 7). According to the identified challenges and opportunities in chapter 6 that reveal a good level of smartness among the different sectors, the projects presented in chapter 7 will specifically address the strengthening of interdisciplinary and cross-department as well as cross -stakeholder cooperation, which has been identified as Lisbons key challenge.enCity Lab Lisbon - development of a smart roadmap for the city of the futureconference paper